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Diary and pen with beautiful flowers

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by
the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2 NKJV


How is your goal setting for 2020 going? I don’t know about you but I have always found setting goals for a New Year difficult.  On top of that, the goals that I managed to set I haven’t always achieved. One goal I had was to launch this website, but it just wasn’t happening…..  probably for well over a year! To say I was feeling frustrated is an understatement. 


Have you ever set goals only to find that they don’t eventuate? Maybe you have even given up on goal setting in frustration and capitulated to the inevitability of whatever life may bring? Well, you and I are not alone.  University Research has found that 92 per cent of people who set goals don’t achieve them; yep, a staggering 92 per cent, that’s huge. When I first saw this, the big question that kept resounding in my mind was WHY?

Don't give up on goal setting in frustration and capitulate to the inevitability of whatever life might bring. Share on X

So, I decided to take action and find the answer to my question. After a lot of soul searching and reading, I discovered a huge reason why I wasn’t accomplishing goals. Now I am not saying that this is the only reason I wasn’t achieving my goals, but it certainly is significant. Would you like to know what that was?  The answer is simple yet profound. As I was considering my goals I wasn’t asking myself one simple question,  ‘Who Am I?’.  Yes, just a simple three-word question but it is the most important question you can ask yourself as you consider your goals

To help ensure that your goals are going to become reality, they need a strong foundation and to be grounded in who you are. If you create your goals from this crucial identity perspective then you create goals that are congruent and authentic aligning with who you are.  Your goals then become an expression of your identity and not just something that you plan to do.

This is really important because you’re not defined by what you do; i.e. the goals you achieve!  You are defined by who you are.  Don’t let your goals establish your identity, let your identity determine your goals. Live your life in ‘Being’ mode rather than ‘Doing’ mode.  When you’re caught up in the ‘Doing’ it causes stress and striving that feels like a huge burden. If this is your experience then you could probably benefit by checking if your goals are an authentic expression of who you are.

Don’t let your goals establish your identity, let your identity determine your goals. Share on X

When I checked the goal of launching this website, I realized that there was an incredible amount of doing that was masking beliefs of self-doubt and fear; doubt that I could actually do it, and fear of what others would think of the website. If I wanted to make my goal of creating a website a reality then I had to deal with the underlying self-beliefs first.  These beliefs were sabotaging my efforts and ‘doing’ wasn’t going to be the answer to launching my website.

If you want to know how you can change the self-beliefs that are sabotaging your goals then I suggest that you download and read the free e-book on this website calledThe Journey to You.’  The information in the book will form a great foundation for understanding who you are and the self-beliefs that you have about yourself.

In the next blog post, I will outline the practical process of how I was able to realign who I am with my goals which enabled me to achieve the launch of my website.

I would love to hear how you go.  Please share any questions you have or comments you want to make about the blog or e-book through the Contact Page.

If you found this blog helpful and you think someone you know may find it helpful too, then please forward it to them.

To your identity,
