‘I can’t afford to have thoughts in my head about me
that God doesn’t have in His.’ Bill Johnson

Have you ever heard the chatter of all the different voices in your head telling you who you are? One voice will tell you something about yourself, yet another will tell you something contradictory. Confusion reigns and you are left in a state of turmoil not knowing who you are or which voice to listen to. You just want it to stop, right? You are not alone, believe me. Everyone experiences this to some extent. The good news is that there is one voice that you can trust.
Did you know the key to your identity is in the Word of God? His is the voice you can trust. This was the way that Jesus learned who He was. His understanding of His identity was based in His intimacy with The Father. It was based on who God said He was, not who anybody else said He was.
Jesus knew the Word of God well. He grew up as a Jewish boy educated in the Scriptures. He would have read all the prophetic passages about the Son of God who would be the Messiah and save His people. At the age of 12 years old, his parents found Him in the Temple at Jerusalem discussing the Scriptures with the teachers, who were amazed at His understanding and answers. You can read about it in Luke 2:41-51.
What really caught my attention as I read this passage was not just the fact that Jesus had the understanding and knowledge of Scripture at that age, but He also understood who His Father was? He says to Mary and Joseph, “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” Jesus already knew who His Heavenly Father was and that He was His Son. His knowledge of His identity was grounded in the Word of God.
Jesus didn’t just have the written Word of God (Logos), that revealed His identity but also the spoken Word of God (Rhema). At His Baptism, God speaks audibly to Jesus confirming that He is the Son of God, and tells Jesus that He loves Him and is well pleased with Him. This was a spoken Word of God that confirmed the written Word of God. Luke 3:21-22. The intimate relationship that Jesus had with His Father meant that He heard the spoken Word of God and in the next blog we will talk about this more.
Right after His Baptism Jesus had His identity tested in the wilderness. Luke 4:1-13. Twice satan questions Jesus, saying ‘If you are the Son of God’. Each time Jesus quotes Scripture refuting the lies that satan was speaking.
In what ways is the enemy getting you to question your identity? Have you ever been bombarded by chatter in your head like;
- Who do you think you are?
- You’re not worthy?
- Why would anybody want to listen to what you have to say or appreciate what you do?
- You don’t have the talent or capacity to do that?
It is so important if you have your identity questioned to do what Jesus did and use scripture to refute any lies you may believe about yourself.
You too are a child of God. John 1:12 says ‘Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. This verse describes you as a legally adopted child of God, if you believe in Him and have received Him as the Lord of your life.
You are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). You are designed with the capacity to understand Scripture and hear from God about your identity. Your thoughts about who you are need to match up with God’s. So let me ask you a question,
Your thoughts about who you are need to match up with God's. Share on XDo you have any thoughts in your head about yourself that God doesn’t have in His?
If you need help with scriptures about your identity please download my Free E Book, ‘The Journey To You’, if you haven’t already. In it, there are verses that will be a great start to declaring your identity. I suggest that you also start making your own list of verses that you can learn and meditate on to establish within you the truth of your identity. Use them as ammunition against lies of the enemy, just like Jesus did.
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To your identity,